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We regret to inform you of the passing of

 Leonard Kuninz"l

Father of our esteemed member Lori (Dr. Shalom) Huberfeld,

Funeral will take place tomorrow, Friday, March 7th, 9:00am
Boulevard-Riverside Chapels
1450 Broadway, Hewlett

Burial will take place at
Old Montefiore Cemetery 
121-83 Springfield Blvd,
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413

Shiva Details
Shiva will take place at the Kunin Home
 15 White Drive, Cedarhurst 
starting tomorrow afternoon

Davening Times

Mincha: Tomorrow (Friday) at 3pm

For the week:

Shacharis: 7:00am (Sunday at 8:00am)
Mincha / Maariv : 6:45pm

The family requests no visitors
between 12:30pm-1:30pm and not after 10:00pm


Leilui Nishmat
If you would like to pay tribute
to the memory of Leonard Kunin, z"l
with a donation to Congregation Beth Sholom, please visit
or send a check to our office.
A letter of acknowledgment will be sent to the family.

May the Almighty comfort the mourners
together with all other mourners of Zion & Jerusalem


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Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785